Monday, December 2, 2019

Jesuss Leadership Patterns Essay Example

Jesuss Leadership Patterns Essay By Albert Tamado 0073114 Unit 2 Assignment Submitted to Dr William Bill Kirsch In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for LDR5053 Leadership Training Models Global School of Theology 7 December 2010 CONTENTS Introduction Synopsis of Leadership Pattern of Jesus Belief in the Leadership Pattern of Jesus Growth in the Leadership Pattern of Jesus Relationships in the Leadership Pattern of Jesus Aspirations in the Leadership Pattern of Jesus Description of the Authors Leadership Style in Cultural-Ministerial Context Strengths the Authors Leadership Style Reveal Weaknesses the Authors Leadership Style Reveal Changes to the Authors Leadership Style to Pattern it after the Style Modelled by Jesus How the Changes will be Implemented Conclusion Reference List Introduction This paper provides an interesting synopsis of the leadership pattern of Jesus in terms of belief, growth, and aspirations. The writer of this paper describes his leadership style in his cultural-ministerial context with the view of fairly evaluating the strength and weaknesses therein. In matching his leadership style with that of Jesus, the writer identifies principles that can enrich his leadership. At the end the writer provides strategies of how he will improve his leadership style on the basis of the perfect model of Jesus. Synopsis of Leadership Pattern of Jesus Key to the leadership of Jesus is the concept of servant leadership and principle-centred leadership which He models perfectly. Servant leadership is mainly about humble sacrificial service in accomplishing the mission of God and serving those in this mission (Wilkes 1988, 18). Principle-centred leadership is where a leader leads on the basis of foundational leadership principles. We will write a custom essay sample on Jesuss Leadership Patterns specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Jesuss Leadership Patterns specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Jesuss Leadership Patterns specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A leader follows tested values than his emotions or prejudices. On the whole the leadership of Jesus can be summarised as leading disciples to grow, helping them to grow, teaching them to relate, and stimulating the disciples to have aspirations (Nile 1988, 31). Jesus as a servant leader came to serve by giving His life and not to be served (Mark 10:45) Longenecker (1995, 34) summarises the life of Jesus in transforming disciples into leaders as â€Å"He loved them, lived among them, shared Himself with them, taught them, and put up with them. This is a perfect example of the life of a leader in relation to his followers. Belief in the Leadership Pattern of Jesus According to Longenecker (1995, 39) since faith is the foundation of leadership, [Jesus] began by leading his men to believe. A persons life is coloured all round by what he/she believes. If we change what a person believes we have totally changed the course of his life. Our convictions drive us into action. The last thing for a person to give up is his/her core beliefs. Leaders are sustained by what they believe and who they believe. Jesus is therefore justified in beginning with building the faith of His disciples, testing their faith, and causing them to exercise it. At this point we will discuss the nature of faith and how it is necessary in leadership as exemplified by leadership training ministry of Jesus. Faith is a living thing and it allows God free access into [ones] life and stimulates [one] to do serious business with God (Longenecker 1995, 46). Drawing heavily from the book of Mark, Longenecker (1995, 42-43) identifies faith-triggering moments in Jesus leadership training ministry. These consisted in preaching, teaching, healing, casting out devils, forgiving, and confronting religion. The quest for true godliness or Christlikeness, which is a treasure in Christian leadership, is doomed unless [it] rests on a faith commitment to Jesus and His word (Longenecker 1995, 45). Faith also produces meaningful relationships and helps one to project himself/herself into the future. Without faith no one will be wiling to live because our lives are based on the believe of a better tomorrow and future. Growing in faith means growth to Christian maturity. Growth in the Leadership Pattern of Jesus Fellowship with Jesus provides an environment for the growth and development of a leader hence Jesus called the disciples to be with Him (Mark 3:14). They were afforded the opportunity to â€Å"all, with unveiled face[s], [to behold] the glory of the Lord, [and] being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another† (2 Corinthians 3:18). The reality of Jesus was revealed to the disciples as 1 John 1:1 would testify that they heard Him with their ears, they saw him, they looked upon Him, and they touched him. Nothing was hidden to them about. They saw him cry, angry, mistreated, teaching, performing miracles, in pain, and the life of Jesus was an open book to them. Peter, James, and John were taken into the most glorious moments in the special moments of Jesus life. They had Jesus praying in intense pain at Gethsemane. It is not amazing the three who were close to Him became the pillar of the Church (Galatians 2:9). An open, honest, and transparent life of a servant leader groomed men who shook the world. Growing means developing or making better the whole person. This is growing conceptually/intellectually, experientially, emotionally, spiritually, and practically in terms of ministry skills (Longenecker 1995, 50-51). Jesus in growing intellectually gave disciples deep insights of the kingdom which transformed their world view. He provided them with a unique exposure to ministry dynamics climaxing with Him sending them to do what they saw him doing (Mark 16:15-18). As they did what Jesus did they came excited and Jesus was also happy. These were life experiences that served as a reference point to the disciples for the rest of their lives. The disciplines saw Jesus in emotionally tormenting circumstances and they never saw him moved. Jesus exposed them to awesome moments of spiritual environments. They saw the power of God when Jesus prayed and when He ministered to people. Above all Jesus did not spare disciples from practical aspects of ministry. At the feet washing session Jesus practically taught the disciples to do the same in ministry work. This produced a community of caring and giving people. By being party to the life of Jesus through sweet and painful seasons they grew to be like Jesus (Acts 4:13). Relationships in the Leadership Pattern of Jesus People cannot be developed in a vacuum but in a community of real people. In being with Jesus the disciples enlarge[d] in their relational capacity, increase[d] in their sensitivity to others, and strengthened their capacity to lead (Longenecker 1995, 50-51). Firewood burns bright together but when firewood is moved from burning together the fire will go out. This is so with people. In isolation the fire of purpose and usefulness dies out of a person. Indeed iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17). Relationships are the essence of living. Without relating well with others we shrink and die. In a situation of relational challenges among disciples, Jesus taught a great lesson about servant leadership saying whoever wants to be great among you must be a slave to all (Mark 10:42-45). In human interactions it is a grave evil to wish each other away. Working relationships requires humility, tolerance, respecting each other, accepting one other, being given to service, caring, esteeming others, and giving attention to others (Longenecker 1995, 60). Love is the foundation of all meaningful relationships. All the attitudes and traits listed above flourish in love. Aspirations in the Leadership Pattern of Jesus A great leader is one who can transcend the constraints of the present and looks at the future with great hope and expectation, and inspiring the same in others. Through vision a leader motivates aspirations. Vision (what God wants to do for His kingdom through people) precedes passion and it inspires people to find a concrete reason for living (Barna 1992, 97) Jesus shared with the disciple reason for His life as fulfilling the will of the Father. He shared with them His heart beat of the mission of world evangelisation and He parted this burden. The disciples lived to run with the gospel to all the world as they preached the word everywhere (Mark 16:15-20). Vision caught qualifies one to lead. Description of the Authors Leadership Style in Cultural-Ministerial Context Leadership style has to do with the way a leader carries out his duties and the behaviours that he exhibit (Lwesya 2007, 33). The writer serves in a para-church organisation which embraces the model of servant leaderships principles. He works with staff, teachers, students, school authorities, the government ministries, volunteers, and supporters/donors. He works under the supervision of an elected board. In working with the stakeholders, the writer combines the principles of servant leadership and leadership by encouragement. The writer is a simple person who is easy going with people. He easily forgives and can work with the most difficult characters even people who are totally opposed to each other. The writer is confident to confront issues when they go overboard and speaks directly to them. Once the writer feels someone is taking advantage of him he speaks that directly. The writer has a heart to develop people. In dealing with people on counselling basis the writers priority is to help them to have a strong devotional life. He engages them in systematic Bible studies and disciplined prayer lives. The writer also does this with employees he is supervising. This has produced positive growth in people and they have risen to be positive in life. The writer believes in participative management where the leader consults people and brings them to a consensus. The writer is easy to change from what he had to take a better option. His philosophy is that other peoples ideas enrich ones ideas. This makes the writer to be open minded and value other peoples views. The writer is true to democratic leadership style and gives people chance to bring their contributions; he assists, suggests, and allows adequate communication to flow to let the group make a meaningful contribution (Lwesya 2007, 34). The writer does not engage in micro managing people but he gives them room to do the agreed tasks. The writer allows all the people he is leading to review his performance and this is helping in development. Above all these the writer is flexible and adapts his style to the situation at hand. Strengths the Authors Leadership Style Reveal The writer does not mind being down to earth and practical. In working with the writer it is not easy to associate him with the high post that he is holding. This has made other leaders to be comfortable with him. The people who associate with the writer usually improve and become better people. To people who are close to the writer, the writer does not spare them from correction and rebuke. The writer is an optimistic person. He always looks for the good and the positive in every circumstance. Recently in the writers ministry there was a threat that students will not come to the camp and there were suggestions to cancel the student camps. The writer stood to reject that and maintained that even if few people attend the programme will go on. The writer will not cancel a planned activity no matter the circumstances. The writer has an open heart to people. He does all not to hurt and he is very sensitive in relationship. He will always find a way of ironing differences with people. The writer easily forgives especially when there is just a slight indication of remorse. In all activities the writer is keen on assigning roles to people and even taking some roles himself. The success of the writer has been enhanced by a good devotional life. This helps him to absorb the pressures of leadership and maintain a sober mind in leading people. Critical decisions that the writer makes are preceded by seeking God and the counsel of mature and effective leaders. The writer enjoys being led by others. The writer is an example of sacrificial service. Weaknesses the Authors Leadership Style Reveal Weaknesses in leadership are usually a result of character or personality problems. The author can be very strong in argument. People he leads have complained that he is not as decisive as they would like. They would prefer a situation where the leader tells them we are moving this way and they move. The other weakness is that the leader needs to improve on listening skills. It is always easy to have people come up with their issues and one is quick to prescribe a remedy without listening. The writer has not been giving the training of leaders the attention that is due. The writer has not laboured to communicate the vision to the people he is leading. The writer has the attitude of always wanting the approval of the followers. The writer retreats from taking right decisions which are unpopular. The writer does not take useful risks often. Changes to the Authors Leadership Style to Pattern it after the Style Modelled by Jesus Jesus is a great example of all of us. One of the great things about Jesus is that he had a great heart for all people. He accommodated people. The writer of this paper also needs to do the same. Jesus was so patient with the weak which the writer needs to improve on. Jesus had time for people he was leading. The writer should also have time with the people he is leading despite the busy schedule. Weaknesses have to be addressed in the writers leadership. How the Changes will be Implemented The writer will engage in a number of activities to improve His leadership style. He will do evaluations with people he is working with to get a comprehensive understanding of the leadership flaws inherent in the writers leadership style. This will be used to inform an on-going process to ensure continuous personal development. Like Jesus who asked disciples as who he was, this will allow the people the writer is leading to critique him and provide developmental feedback. This will in turn allow the leader to critique the followers and provide developmental feedback. Problems of leadership are usually a result of not having time with God and with other leaders. The writer will make a deliberate effort to have a sound devotional life and take advantage of opportunities to interact with other leaders. The writer will also list things he should improve and put that on his notice board. This will keep one alert to the issues that need constant attention. The writer needs to effectively communicate his vision to followers and stakeholders of the organisation. The vision which has been written needs to be clearly discussed and have stakeholders to buy into the vision. The strategic plan of the organisation is elapsing and the writer will use his vision to inform the strategic plan. Thereafter he will do vision casting in all activities of the organisation. The writer will also read at least one book on leadership and attend leadership enriching events. Conclusion In conclusion, a reflective evaluation on the leadership of Jesus and how it compares and contrast with the writer has been achieved. The paper provides strategies of the way the writer will bring changes to his leadership style. REFERENCE LIST Barna, George. 1992. The Power of Vision: How you can Capture and Apply Gods Vision for your Ministry. Ventura, CA: Regal Longenecker, Harold. 1995. Growing Leaders by Design: How to Use Biblical Principles for Leadership Development. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel. Lwesya, Enson Mbilikile. 2007. Leading Christian Organisation. Springfield, Missouri: Life Publishers International. Niles, Franklin E. 2009. Leadership Training Model: Graduate Study Guide. Second Edition. Springfield, Missouri: Global University. Wilkes, Gene C. 1998. Jesus on Leadership: Discovering the Secrets of Servant Leadership from the Life of Christ. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale

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